The NANUK 935 protective case is convenient even when full of equipment and weighed down. Simply press the button and the retractable handle extends to your choice of two positions and the NANUK 935 is ready to be wheeled to your destination with your photo gear, video gear, audio gear, medical equipment, industrial equipment, outdoor gear, personal effects and much more safely inside.
Three soft-grip handles make this wheeled case one of the most convenient on the market, but that’s only the beginning. Polyurethane wheels withstand rough terrain while the one-handed retractable handle makes it easy to use and versatile. No matter where you’re headed, you’re guaranteed a smooth and hassle-free trip.
It’s impenetrable and indestructible with a lightweight, tough NK-7 resin shell and its PowerClaw superior latching system gives you unmatched peace of mind. With NANUK’s exclusive locking and latching system, your case stays shut and secured until you are ready to open it.
- 20.5 x 11.3 x 7.5" Interior
- Crush, Dust, and Waterproof
- Cubed Foam Insert & Convoluted Lid Foam
- Extendable Handle & Low-Profile Wheels
- Lightweight NK-7 Polypropylene Resin
- PowerClaw Latching System
- Automatic Pressure-Release Valve
- Molded-In Bezel System and Padlock Holes
- Comfortable Soft-Grip Handle
Glazer's SKU | 49765 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Manufacturer | Nanuk | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
MFG SKU | 935S-010GP-0A0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Product Specs |